Riverboat on the Tennessee River
On deck watching the fall colors
The South Eastern Region Meeting of the GFWC of TN, held October 31- November 2 in Knoxville, was a smashing success! Kudos to the SER Arrangements Committee and to all the wonderful clubwomen from six different states who made the meeting so very memorable.
The Knoxville Marriott was gorgeous and the staff was terrific. This was one big meeting where attendees could actually comfortably rest and be exhausted by the end of it, and the hotel had a great deal to do with that comfort.
The food was excellent, the meetings were interesting, and the FUN NIGHT was FUN and raised over $1,000 for a children's advocacy program in Johnson City.
"Anxious" bidders get their dollars ready for the White Elephant Auction (above)
Ida Smith, Ann Durall, and Pat Rottmund wait for the next item (below)
Our district was very well represented at SER. Thank you, all of you, all who attended, donated to the goodie bags, sents items for auction or donated door-prizes. The GFWC Highland Rim District can always be relied upon to rise to any occasion!